Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Stage photography

Annelies de Mey photographs scenes that look like theatre stages from obscure plays we are about to watch, gorgeous palladium prints showing mysterious places where the distinction between outdoors or indoors lose any relevance, and everything looks as if it has been just revealed to us by the opening of a heavy velvet curtain.

Her most recent work is Codex2010 (for more info go the 'Editions' section in the website of the Galerie Jan Dhaese), a book about the Brussels Palace of Justice where she takes the viewer through a fascinating journey across the solemn halls, the marble stairs and the hidden corners of the Brussels courthouse - such a vast labyirinth that Wikipedia describes the palace as bigger than St Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.

(Read an interesting interview with the artist here)

All images © Annelies de Mey

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