Saturday, March 28, 2009

Resting town

© Marc Henrich

Da dove ricominciare a scrivere dopo un'assenza prolungata, cosa scegliere tra le tante cose rimaste in sospeso? Forse cercare tra la corrispondenza, dove diverse persone mi hanno segnalato i loro lavori: scelgo quindi Marc Henrich, con le sue vedute 'unsentimental' di Vientiane, realizzate approfittando delle domeniche mattina pressoché deserte della capitale del Laos, quando la città riposa e mostra le sue forme e i suoi volumi.

Ritornando al gioco del doppelgänger, suggerisco un confronto con il libro Autrefois, Maison Privée di Bill Burke.

Where do I start writing again after a prolonged absence, what to choose among the many pending things left these weeks? Maybe by sorting through the correspondence, where kind and interesting people wrote me about their own work: I'll pick Marc Henrich then, with his 'unsentimental view' of Vientiane's architecture, created by taking advantage of the quiet and almost deserted sunday mornings of Laos' capital city, when the town is resting and it shows its shapes and forms.

And back with the doppelgänger game, I suggest a view of Bill Burke's book Autrefois, Maison Privée.

© Marc Henrich

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