Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Edward Steichen, The Pond-Moonlight, 1904. Sold for 2,9 million dollars, highest price paid for a photograph auction.

Se non avete nulla di meglio da fare (come me oggi, forse), un ottimo modo per passare il tempo è dare un’occhiata alle vendite di opere fotografiche realizzate da Christie’s. Prendiamo i tre esempi ovvi di artisti viventi con quotazioni astronomiche: Andreas Gursky, Thomas Struth e Hiroshi Sugimoto. Certo che se poi passiamo, che so, a Damien Hirst, risulta chiaro come la fotografia abbia ancora parecchia strada da fare verso l’olimpo dell’imponderabile. Ah, dimenticavo, c’è anche Richard Prince

If you have nothing better to do (like me today, maybe), a great way to spend your time is to take a look at Christie’s past auctions of photographs. Let’s take the three obvious examples of living photographers with astronomical quotations: Andreas Gursky, Thomas Struth and Hiroshi Sugimoto. But if we move to, say, Damien Hirst, then we realize that photography is still a long way to the true world of the incomprehensible. Ah, was almost forgetting Richard Prince...


Mauro Thon Giudici said...

Funny, world is small or we live in the same fishbowl. I was collecting sources for numbers (or prices) suitable to be used in aesthetics considerations and was not including Christie's.

As usual your post comes in with perfect timing.


Fabio Severo said...

Thanks, far too kind!