Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dide Photography Magazine

Front cover of Issue #1 of Dide Photographic Magazine

Mohammadreza Mirzaei sent word about his new adventure of editor of online Dide Photography Magazine (English/Farsi), launched this april with the first issue featuring a dialogued portfolio by Mohammad Gazali, where words and photographs intertwine on the streets of Teheran.

Mohammadreza Mirzaei mi ha scritto per annunciare la sua nuova avventura come editor della rivista online Dide Photography Magazine (in inglese e in persiano), che debutta questo mese con un portfolio dialogato di Mohammad Gazali, dove parole e immagini si intrecciano nelle strade di Teheran.

Mohammad Gazali, Seyyed Hassan Modares, 20th Century Cleric and Politician, from the series Where the Heads of the Renowned Rest

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