Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Weng Peijun (Weng Fen), Bird's Eye View - New Beijing #9, 2007.

Torniamo sul tema figura e sfondo (vi ricordate?), questa volta nella versione del fotografo cinese Weng Peijun (Weng Fen), dove svolge la funzione di indagine per immagini sul mondo cinese, alternando scenari naturali di una pace e bellezza quasi innaturali a paesaggi urbani e industriali, dove le architetture si innalzano quasi per movimento proprio, mentre noi le guardiamo da dietro le nuche di figure immobili.

Altre immagini qui e qui.

Weng Peijun (Weng Fen), Staring at the Lake #5, 2006.

Let's go back to some figure & backround work (you remember, don't you?) with Chinese photographer Weng Peijun (Weng Fen), whose images are like a visual investigation of the Chinese world. He moves between natural views of an almost innatural beauty and urban and industrial landscapes, where buildings and structures rise like driven by an inner force, while we watch them from behind the backs of frozen figures. See more here and here.

Weng Peijun (Weng Fen), Staring at the Sea #3, 2003.

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