Thursday, September 3, 2009


Mike Brodie, Self portrait, 2005

Un'altra dose di ritratto per continuare la 'terapia', cogliendo l'occasione per rinfrescare i link ai lavori di Mike Brodie, alias Polaroid Kidd (anche qui). Brodie ha di recente chiuso entrambi i suoi siti personali e apparentemente non c'è traccia di altre sue attività sul web.
Fuga dal mainstream? Cambio di strategia suggerito da un qualche agente?
Dopotutto ha solo 24 anni...

Some more portrait therapy (hope Mrs Deane will allow me this quote), taking this as a chance to refresh some links to the works of Mike Brodie, aka Polaroid Kidd (see also here). He recently took both his websites off, and apparently is nowhere to be found active on the net anymore.
Escape from the mainstream world? Change of strategy suggested by some fancy agent?
After all, he's only 24...

Mike Brodie, Allen with grandma. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2005

1 comment:

J. Wesley Brown said...

Maybe he just couldn't find any more film and went out and bought a 5D MKII...