Friday, May 20, 2011


Students year-end projects at art schools or universities can be really interesting objects, full of enthusiasm, diverse, even careless. They come at the stage of someone's career where coherence can be less important than variety, when often there is less concern for tradition than lust for exploring all the different options, dismantling conventions and not worrying too much about the viewer's needs to be entertained.

Joscha Bruckert's portfolio Nicht Eins ('Not One') from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Dortmund, Germany is the perfect example of all this, with its elusive subject matter, strong images and mixed media - as his artist statement can also confirm:

"The author wishes to remark that an accompanying text to his work would imply that the knowledge of its intention would be of use for a potential viewer and that there would be a specific meaning, which could only be revealed through external information. On the contrary, it shall be understood that the author, at the time of completing his work, turned into the viewer himself and that the accrued objects are no more than what they are. They attain distinction due to the mere fact that one sees them. In addition to this it is to be mentioned that there is only one topic, not only in this, but in every case: a principle which pervades the tangible and intangible world, eluding representation and remaining the essential element within all creative work. The author therefore would like to point out that these remarks are not text accompanying his work."

I would be more than happy to receive and feature more submissions about students' projects from all kinds of photography insitutions, should you be interested you can contact me at the usual e-mail address

All images © Joscha Bruckert

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