Tuesday, August 25, 2009

With Canon, you can('t)

Robert Burley, Darkroom #16, Building Three, Kodak Canada, 2005

"Why need I lower the bar when it comes to digital printing, when analog techniques have been ripened to near perfection?
It is the same issue that bugs me about the bulk of digital cameras that are advertised as offering the best quality, but which cannot compare with what is possible in old skool photo gear and lenses. Let's face it, digital imagining techniques can be very exciting, but the reason we want it, use it and drive it forward, is not a better image quality. It is other things that make it sexy, including the promise of empowering us with the creative energy that is associated with making photographs."

A big hug and a good luck to Mrs Deane.


retoque fotografico said...

I tend to agree. I still yearn after the days of the darkroom retouching the print manually and the selenium toning it to perfection!

Danx said...

Ciao, gran bel blog, scoperto da Camera Obscura.

Chissà se, a parte la qualità, col digitale si spende meno?
Forse producendo tante foto, si riesce a massimizzare il guadagno (nel caso uno venda...), ma resta il fatto che negli ultimi anni (ora spero ci sia un arresto) per stare al passo coi tempi si è dovuto cambiare vari componenti del pc e corpi macchina.